Taking Care of Yourself During a Pandemic

How many days has it been since we’ve all been stuck at home? I’ve lost count how about you? The days are blurred together, someone sends a text and asks how we are and the standard answer is usually fine or good, but many of us are certainly not feeling fine, let alone good. During this time it’s so easy to let the cabin fever set in, the news back us into a fearful corner or frustration take the front row in our emotional think tank. Let’s stop for a moment; pause and step outside of ourselves long enough to ask one thing in the midst of all of this.
Am I doing what I can to take care of myself through this pandemic or am I letting myself get beat up?”

These days it may seem like there isn’t much we can do when many things are shut down, coronavirus is still a very real threat and our livelihood and careers have been impacted in dramatic ways but, that doesn’t mean we don’t have certain areas of control and responsibility over taking care of ourselves and that we shouldn’t make that a priority. Many of us are in the house with others that need us to provide care for them too and so we cannot effectively be there for others if we aren’t first taking care of ourselves. So, I’ve put together a list for you to use as a self-check or guide for implementing.


  1. STICK TO A DAILY ROUTINE- Try to wake up and go to sleep at the same time, get 7-8 hours of sleep every night, keep normal hygiene in place, and set daily reachable goals for yourself (and children if you have them).

  2. EAT HEALTHY- Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, cut down on sugar and processed food, eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, lean meats and healthy fats.

  3. STAY ACTIVE- Get 30 min of exercise 3 days a week. Go for 3-5 mile walks most days out in the fresh air near trees if you can.

  4. FIND WAYS TO RELAX- Pray, read, take a bubble bath, have your partner give you a massage, have some alone time or whatever helps you to find your inner calm. Make sure to take deep cleansing breaths often.

  5. CALL FRIENDS OR FAMILY- Stay connected to others. Have a trusted person you can vent to and that will encourage you. Video chat to see friendly faces and smiles.

  6. DON’T OBSESS OVER THE NEWS- Beware of false news, hyped up exaggerated news and fearful news. Get some facts from the CDC and local government about updates that are important for you to know, but stop watching the numbers rise if they are making your anxiety rise too. Do what you can do to protect yourself and stop worrying about the rest.

  7. ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES THAT YOU ENJOY AND ARE ABLE TO DO- Some things like exercise, board games, watching movies, puzzles, organizing an area in your house, planting a garden, play sports with people in your house, go for a walk in nature, kayaking, fishing, crafting, sewing, journaling, starting a blog, or art. Of course I saved the best for last. Art is a great hobby to have. It is both an activity and therapy for your soul. It has so many benefits. So start something today that you enjoy!

I love painting! Obviously. But for so much more than just to create a pretty picture. I love it for the way it makes me feel and how it adds to my overall sense of well-being. Just give it a google search. “Benefits of painting to your health.” But don’t just take my word for it. Here is an article from Harvard for you to READ!

I hope this blog has been helpful to you. Remember, you are NOT alone in this. You may feel alone at times and that is totally normal. Actually, please don’t think there is truly a “normal.” Unless of course you think everything is normal or nothing is normal when it comes to the human experience. Many of us walk around comparing ourselves to others and especially comparing how we are doing during this time to how someone else is doing during all of it, and we shouldn’t do that to ourselves. Comparisons are dangerous because they can lead to feelings of guilt, insecurity, and frustration with ourselves. We are all handling things the best we can and it’s about time we give ourselves a big heap of grace along with a pat on the back that you have made it this far and you will make it the rest of the way. You got this! Just do what you can do, stay positive, and leave the negative feelings behind. Every morning is a new day with a fresh start.

You get through the next 86, 400 seconds one day at a time;)

Amy Brekke